Hand-Illustrated by Fee Greening

Fee Greening's intricate pen and ink drawings combine an old-world sensibility with a contemporary sense of play. For Resort 2023, we invited the artist and illustrator to reinterpret three of our new season motifs in her own, distinctive hand.


Tell us about the motifs you chose to illustrate. Why did this trio speak to you?

I’m always drawn to mystical themes so this was a natural fit. The mountain motif reminded me of Tolkien's illustrations of the Misty Mountains, I always adore a pegasus and I am a woman obsessed with lovers eyes, I used to draw them all over my school books and I’ve never really stopped.  


Our hand-painted series celebrates the meeting point between art and textiles. Is dressing a creative act?

Absolutely, I always think of it a bit like painting, its very instinctive and about finding the balance with colour and texture. Sometimes an outfit shouldn’t work but it just feels right.


Which art movements or eras influence you most?

I’ve always adored Medieval Illuminated manuscripts, the Pre-Raphaelites and the Northern Renaissance.



What do you do when you’re stuck for inspiration?  

I walk my dogs a lot. This really helps to clear out any unhelpful thoughts. Leaving my phone and computer behind and just letting my mind wander. I live by the sea so I tend to head down there and stare out at the horizon line for a while. I usually come back with a new idea or a problem solved. If I’m in London I will go see an exhibition or revisit a beloved painting.


Where is your favourite place to draw?

Alone, somewhere cosy with a fresh tea and brand new audio book.


What do you want to be doing when you’re wearing Olivia von Halle?

Dancing around the fire with a load of friends, flicking through records with crisp cocktails on the go.



Do you wear your pyjamas out of the house?

Yes. I spent my teenage years wearing pyjama bottoms, baggy woolen jumpers and muddy boots and my day to day style has not really evolved. I’m always amused when people sometimes point out I'm wearing pyjamas outside, like I might have forgotten. I mean it's hardly that scandalous.


Are you a maximalist by nature?

Umm, I wouldn’t say so. I mean I enjoy a jazzy print but I still like things to feel pretty balanced and simple.


What does glamour mean to you?

Glamour to me is a someone who can wear change a tyre in a tuxedo. Someone quite swashbuckling, Lee Miller springs to mind.


How do you let your hair down? Or What does your perfect evening look like?

If I’m in the countryside my perfect evening is a big fire in my garden with a load friends wrapped up in blankets, laughing and looking at the stars. If I’m in London I love a Soho adventure and just seeing where the night takes us.



Are you a night owl or a morning bird?

I am 100 percent night owl. My partner has to leave a trail of coffees to get me out of bed in the mornings.


Dress down or dress up?

Hmm that’s tricky, I spend most of my time looking fairly wild, covered in mud or ink which I really enjoy, but a couple of times a month I have an event that I dress up for and I adore it, I love giving my wardrobe an airing.


What makes you feel festive?

Mulled wine, The Muppet Christmas Carol, wood smoke.


If you had to be a letter in the Erté alphabet, what would you choose?

As a pisces probably the mermaid C but I am also fond of the snakey lady for B.


Available exclusively at Harrods on purchases over £200

1pm - 7pm Saturday 3rd December

12pm-6pm Sunday 4th December



Otherworldly stories, by us for you



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